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george pataki中文是什么意思

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  • 纽约州长柏德基
  • 乔治帕塔基


  • George pataki , mayor michael bloomberg , victims ' family members and designers of the site also attended a news conference a few blocks from the trade center site to release details of the memorial design
  • On the afternoon of september 18 , governor george pataki of new york state came by our first booth and complimented us for our work . the next day , he visited the site again and as he passed by , cordially waved to us
    9月18日下午,纽约州的州长乔治帕塔奇george pataki先生经过我们的第一摊位时,非常嘉勉我们的义行,隔天州长又再度前来灾区巡视,当他经过我们的摊位时,还友善地向我们挥手致意。
  • Smokers claim the law violates their rights , and may put some establishments out of business , but protecting nonsmokers from secondhand smoke is paramount , says mayor michael bloomberg . in addition , governor george pataki has tightened the drunk driving laws , which should hopefully make the streets safer
    瘾君子声称此项法律剥夺了他们的权利,并可能会导致一些公司行号关门歇业,不过市长麦克布鲁伯格michael bloomberg表示,保护不吸烟者不受二手烟害才是最重要的。
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